Title: Organic agripreneurship for inclusive growth and sustainable development - a case study of Mishra's Farm in Kalaburagi District of Karnataka State in India
Authors: V. Panduranga
Addresses: Department of Commerce, Central University of Karnataka, Kalaburagi – 585367, Karnataka State, India
Abstract: Organic farming and natural processing of food grains is essential for sustainable development. Increasing consciousness of health has led to increase in demand for organic food grains. The present study describes and analyses organic agripreneurship with specific reference to agribusiness of Mishra's Farm located in Kamalapur Taluka of Kalaburagi District in Karnataka State. This study is based on primary data collected in February 2020. In-depth interviews of Mr. Jeetendra Mishra, proprietor of Mishra's Farm, as well as observation of various activities at Mishra's Farm constitute the primary sources of the data. Mishra has been practicing organic farming for the past ten years in his 27 acres of fertile own land. The farm is generating employment opportunities and livelihood for few families. Reasonable pricing of organic food grains is the key strength of Mishra's Farm. Brief description of various activities of Mishra's Farm forms the crux of the study. SWOT analysis is carried out and few suggestions are offered to overcome some of the problems of Mishra's farm.
Keywords: organic farming; organic food grains; agripreneur; inclusive growth; sustainable development; SWOT analysis.
DOI: 10.1504/IJICBM.2021.119734
International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 2021 Vol.24 No.3, pp.319 - 330
Published online: 17 Dec 2021 *
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