Title: Not everyone is an entrepreneur, but entrepreneurs are everywhere
Authors: Laura Vall-llosera Casanovas; Rodolfo De Castro
Addresses: Research Group on Statistics, Econometrics and Health (GRECS), Young Entrepreneurship Chair, Business Faculty, University of Girona, c/ Universitat de Girona, 10, 17003 Girona, Spain ' Process, Product and Production Engineering Research Group (GREP), Young Entrepreneurship Chair, Higher Polytechnic School, University of Girona, c/ Maria Aurèlia Capmany i Farnés, 61, 17003 Girona, Spain
Abstract: As entrepreneurship drives economic development, researchers and governments are becoming increasingly interested in the fundamental role higher education might play in fostering entrepreneurial behaviour. Using a multiple correspondence analysis, three types of entrepreneur competency profiles related to gender, study path, scopes of talent and areas of study were obtained. The results show that entrepreneurial skills are transferable and can be found everywhere. These findings can be used as a basis for useful recommendations to develop more effective policies which can improve competences and better prepare future professionals.
Keywords: competence profiles; talent; compulsory studies; entrepreneurship.
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 2022 Vol.15 No.1, pp.35 - 48
Accepted: 31 May 2021
Published online: 23 Dec 2021 *