Title: Gain enhancement of a CPW-fed dipole antenna using a novel multiband planar artificial magnetic conductor surface for UWB applications
Authors: Boualem Mekimah; Abderraouf Messai; Abdelkrim Belhedri
Addresses: Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, University Kasdi Merbah Ouargla, Ouargla, 30000, Algeria ' Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, University Kasdi Merbah Ouargla, Ouargla, 30000, Algeria ' Department of Electronics, University Frères Mentouri, Constantine1, Constantine, 25000, Algeria
Abstract: In this paper, a novel multiband planar artificial magnetic conductor (AMC) surface is presented. This is designed to be used as a reflector at the bottom of the proposed coplanar-waveguide fed (CPW-fed) dipole antenna, in order to enhance gain in ultra-wideband (UWB) range. In fact, the use of a single band AMC structure cannot cover the entire UWB range, because of its narrow band, in which it acts as an artificial magnetic conductor. To this end, a multiband AMC surface with four sub-bands is designed to cover the overall UWB range. The equivalent circuit model (ECM) of the proposed AMC unit cell is also established. Results show that the UWB range is also obtained with additional resonances using the proposed multiband AMC surface. The significant aspect of this work is the gain enhancement within the whole band of UWB in stable broadside radiation. A maximum amelioration of 6.25 dBi in terms of gain is achieved at 8 GHz, exhibiting a peak gain of 10.44 dBi. Such reflectors can be used for future broadband applications, when the specifications of high gain, stable radiation and compact size are required.
Keywords: AMC; artificial magnetic conductor; CPW-fed; coplanar-waveguide fed; ECM; equivalent circuit model; UWB; ultra wideband antennas; gain enhancement.
DOI: 10.1504/IJWMC.2021.120018
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, 2021 Vol.21 No.2, pp.141 - 152
Accepted: 21 Aug 2021
Published online: 04 Jan 2022 *