Title: Optimal order quantity with endogenous discounted partial advance payment and trade-credit for inventory model with linear time varying demand
Authors: Swati Agrawal; Snigdha Banerjee; Rajesh Gupta
Addresses: Department of Science, Christ University, Delhi, NCR, Ghaziabad, India ' School of Statistics, Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India ' Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior, MP, India
Abstract: When buyers seek extended credit periods from relatively less secure suppliers, the supplier requires co-operation from the buyer for purchase of raw materials, etc., in terms of partial advance payment. For a single buyer single supplier supply chain, we develop an inventory model with a hybrid payment policy combining discounted advance payment to supplier with the supplier permitting interest free delay period to the buyer when buyer has the option to make advance payment. For the advance, supplier offers discount and may allow the buyer to set the discount rate and the advance proportion. For a linear demand function in such a scenario, we maximise buyer's net profit rate through optimal choice of payment policy and the buyer's replenishment. We consider two situations with discount: 1) exogenous; 2) endogenous for the buyer. Optimal solution is characterised theoretically. Numerical example reveals that by choosing advance proportion appropriately, the profit rate in the endogenous case can be higher than that in the exogenous case even with lower discount.
Keywords: inventory; supply chain; endogenous discount; advance payment; credit period; linear time dependent demand rate.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMOR.2021.120104
International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research, 2021 Vol.20 No.4, pp.565 - 587
Received: 29 Jul 2020
Accepted: 31 Aug 2020
Published online: 07 Jan 2022 *