Title: Simple program for computing objective optical properties of magnetic lenses

Authors: R.Y.J. Al-Salih; Abdullah I.M. Al-Abdulla; Ezaldeen Mahmood Abdalla Alkattan

Addresses: Department of Physics, College of Science, Tikrit University, Tikrit, Iraq ' College of Science Department of Physics, Mosul University, Mosul, Iraq ' The General Directorate for Education into Nineveh Conservative, Nineveh College, Nineveh, Iraq

Abstract: The paper describes the basic features of a new program denoted Magnetic Electron Lens Optical Properties (MELOP), primarily intended for providing free and simple way to calculate the objective focal properties of rotationally-symmetric electron magnetic lenses with the presence of its axial magnetic field distribution. The calculation is done by solving the paraxial ray equation using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta formula. For specific beam voltage, the program computes the excitation parameter, the object or image plane, the objective principal plane, the objective focal length, the objective magnification, the spherical aberration coefficient, the chromatic aberration coefficient and the magnetic flux density at the object or image plane. These parameters are solved for zero, low, high or infinite magnification condition. The program can handle instantaneously plotting the variations of the calculated parameters relatively. In addition to that, the data can be transferred to xlsx or txt file format.

Keywords: electron lenses design; electron objective focal properties; fourth-order Runge-Kutta formula.

DOI: 10.1504/IJCAT.2021.120450

International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2021 Vol.66 No.3/4, pp.254 - 259

Received: 29 Jun 2020
Accepted: 29 Jul 2020

Published online: 21 Jan 2022 *

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