Title: Analysis of the pilots' decisions to eject in F-16 fighter aircraft accidents in Turkey
Authors: Nazim Ata; Ebru Yazgan
Addresses: Aeromedical Research and Training Center, Medical Research Unit, Eskisehir, Turkey ' Department of Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance, Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Eskisehir Technical University, Eskisehir, Turkey
Abstract: The aim of this study is to do a descriptive and statistical analysis of pilots' decisions to eject during F-16 fighter aircraft accidents in Turkey and evaluate the ejection decisions of pilots by comparing the findings to those presented by similar studies conducted in other countries. A total of 32 F-16 accidents were included in the study. Thirty-five pilots were involved in 32 accidents and 12 of these pilots lost their lives because they did not/did not manage to actuate the ejection system, and two pilots died despite the actuation of the ejection system. Despite the limited access to the available data because official accident investigation reports contain confidential information, the study is significant in that it is the first study dealing with Turkish pilots' decisions to actuate the ejection system and the consequences of these decisions and it contributes to the sustainability of Turkish fighter aircraft pilots' safety culture.
Keywords: aviation medicine; decision making; ejection system; human factors; Turkey.
International Journal of Sustainable Aviation, 2022 Vol.8 No.1, pp.91 - 100
Received: 25 Jun 2021
Accepted: 22 Sep 2021
Published online: 28 Jan 2022 *