Title: RFID as enabler for the boundless real-time organisation: empirical insights from Germany
Authors: Jan Marco Leimeister, Uta Knebel, Helmut Krcmar
Addresses: Technische Universitat Munchen, Information Systems, Boltzmannstr.3, 85748 Garching, Germany. ' Technische Universitat Munchen, Information Systems, Boltzmannstr.3, 85748 Garching, Germany. ' Technische Universitat Munchen, Information Systems, Boltzmannstr.3, 85748 Garching, Germany
Abstract: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is currently considered a hot topic in the IT arena. It is described as a major enabling technology for automated contactless wireless data collection, and as an enabler for the real-time enterprise, a future vision for enterprise information systems. Little is known, however, about the perceived strategic importance of RFID among IT decision makers, current RFID usage and areas of application, or companies| intentions to invest in RFID. In this paper we intend to fill this gap. We convey a quantitative survey among CIOs in Germany across various industries. We present empirical insights on CIOs| perceptions of the strategic importance of RFID, its relevance compared to other IT topics, and their RFID visions for the future of their company.
Keywords: radio frequency identification; RFID; real-time enterprise; IT strategy; IT investments; diffusion; chief information officers; competitive advantage; Germany.
DOI: 10.1504/IJNVO.2007.012082
International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations, 2007 Vol.4 No.1, pp.45 - 64
Published online: 19 Jan 2007 *
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