Title: Environmental damage analysis of GE90 turbofan engines used on Boeing 777 aircraft
Authors: Ozgur Balli; Alper Dalkiran; T. Hikmet Karakoc
Addresses: 1st Air Maintenance Factory Directorship, General Directorate of Military Factories, Ministry of National Defence, Eskisehir, Turkey ' School of Aviation, Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey; SARES International Sustainable Aviation and Energy Society, ATAP Technopark, Eskisehir, Turkey ' Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Eskisehir Technical University, Eskisehir, Turkey; HAVEN Aviation, Energy, Engineering Industry Company, ATAP Technopark, Eskisehir, Turkey
Abstract: This study presents an environmental damage analysis of GE90 engine series for take-off, climb-out, approaching and cruise phases to evaluate the emission rates, the global warming potentials (GWP), the global warming potential index (GWPI), the environmental impact (EI), the environmental impact index (EII), the environmental damage cost (EDC) and the environmental damage cost index of exhaust gases emitted from GE90 turbofan engines via standard dual annular combustor (SDAC) and low emission dual annular combustor (LEDAC). The GE90-76B engine has the maximum exhaust emission rate by 3.694 kg/h for SDAC usage. The GE90-92B engine has the maximum NOX emission rate by 755.40 kg/h for SDAC usage and 707.40 kg/h for LEDAC usage. The results can be used by airlines, countries, or companies that use GE90 engine series.
Keywords: turbofan engine; exhaust emission; environmental impact; global warming potential; GWP; environmental damage cost; EDC.
International Journal of Global Warming, 2022 Vol.26 No.2, pp.162 - 178
Received: 15 Feb 2021
Accepted: 01 May 2021
Published online: 14 Feb 2022 *