Title: The design and applications of an innovative irrigation system for biofacades in hot arid climates
Authors: Fodil Fadli; Payam Bahrami; Sara Zaina
Addresses: Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, College of Engineering, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar ' Optim Design Inc., Illinois Office, 7524 Churchill St., Morton Grove IL 60053, Illinois, USA ' Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, College of Engineering, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar
Abstract: Assessment of water requirements through physical sustainable means is essential to ensuring water security, which is at high risk in desert climates such as Doha, Qatar. The water requirements of biofacade systems are met using a sub-irrigation system (SIS), whereby water is delivered to the plant root zone from below the soil surface. This paper focuses on the assessment of the watering technique, in view of its crucial role in the survival of the biofacades system and its plants. The research aims to analyse the biofacades on Qatar University's campus in terms of improvements or enhancements in the customised irrigation system aimed at minimising the consumption of water, reduce evaporation, propagate healthy growth of plants, and maintain constant, self-managed access to water. The analysis is based on monthly data summaries and the monitored data for four green walls, measuring the number of times a wall is watered, the soil condition (moisture level) of the plants, and the total amount of water consumed. The study concludes by ensuring sustainability in terms of reduced water consumption to attain the required moisture level and orientation of the walls with respect to sun, wind, and plant selection, offering recommendations for adapting biofacades design for hot arid climates.
Keywords: biofacade; irrigation system; desert climate; hot arid region; landscape design; sustainability.
International Journal of Global Warming, 2022 Vol.26 No.2, pp.233 - 245
Received: 15 Feb 2021
Accepted: 14 May 2021
Published online: 14 Feb 2022 *