Title: Effects of information and communication technology adoption and innovation capability on export performance: study of Purwakarta ceramic industry in Indonesia
Authors: Sam'un Jaja Raharja; Rivani Rivani
Addresses: Department of Business Administration, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor, Sumedang Regency, 45363, West Java, Indonesia ' Department of Business Administration, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor, Sumedang Regency, 45363, West Java, Indonesia
Abstract: This study measures the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) adoption and innovation capability on export performance in the ceramic industry in Purwakarta, Indonesia. The current study also utilises a quantitative research method, which uses multiple linear regression analysis with simultaneous and partial hypothesis testing. Partial and simultaneous test results show that ICT adoption and innovation capability have an impact on export performance. However, the magnitude of this contribution is weak. ICT adoption and innovation capability should be increased and supported by skilled human resources through training and technical assistance, primarily in digital marketing, particularly in the field of design.
Keywords: ICT adoption; innovation capability; export performance; export procedure; ceramic industry; digital marketing experience; Purwakarta.
DOI: 10.1504/IJTGM.2022.120876
International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, 2022 Vol.15 No.1, pp.104 - 113
Received: 25 Jan 2020
Accepted: 07 May 2020
Published online: 16 Feb 2022 *