Title: Proactiveness, environmental munificence and environmental hostility and their impacts on the growth of SMEs
Authors: Olufemi Muibi Omisakin; Chris Arasanmi; Indrapriya Kularatne
Addresses: Otago Polytechnic Auckland International Campus, 350, Queen Street, Auckland CBD 1010, Auckland, New Zealand ' Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology, Mokoia Drive, Tihiotonga, Rotorua, New Zealand ' Otago Polytechnic Auckland International Campus, 350, Queen Street, Auckland CBD 1010, Auckland, New Zealand
Abstract: This research investigates the relationship between proactiveness, environmental munificence and environmental hostility on the growth of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The study used an online survey/questionnaire for its data collection from small and medium business owners/managers. One hundred questionnaires were sent to the would-be participants but only 60 questionnaires were returned. Therefore, the study was conducted on 60 SME firms in the Auckland central business district (CBD). The collected data was analysed using the regression method to test the relationships among the specified variables. The research findings show that proactiveness and environmental munificence influence the growth of SMEs while environmental hostility and the growth of SMEs were insignificantly related, and were therefore not supported in this analysis. The major applied contributions from this study are that business managers should be proactive in the formulation of business strategies. Secondly, the study suggests that external environments should be properly scanned so that businesses can maximise opportunities for business sustainability.
Keywords: entrepreneurial orientation; proactiveness; environmental hostility; environmental munificence; SME growth.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEIM.2022.120882
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 2022 Vol.26 No.1/2, pp.43 - 59
Accepted: 01 Dec 2020
Published online: 16 Feb 2022 *