Title: Autopilot for a robotic boat based on an open hardware configuration
Authors: Omar Milián Morón; Delvis Garcia Garcia; Yunier Valeriano Medina
Addresses: Automatic Control Department, Central University 'Marta Abreu' of Las Villas, Santa Clara, VC, Cuba ' Automatic Control Department, Central University 'Marta Abreu' of Las Villas, Santa Clara, VC, Cuba ' Automatic Control Department, Central University 'Marta Abreu' of Las Villas, Santa Clara, VC, Cuba
Abstract: This paper presents a hardware and software architecture for the autopilot configuration of the Krick Felix robotic boat. The hardware and software architecture allows obtaining the vehicle mathematical model and implementing the guidance and heading control algorithms. The autopilot is developed using a combination of the Pixhawk controller and the ArduPilot platform. The work summarises the advantages offered by these platforms. The preliminary operational tests to which they have been subjected demonstrate the validity of their use in a marine vehicle. The obtained results from the conducted experimental tests show the autopilot's excellent performance with the proposed changes in the software implementation, particularly in the guidance algorithm.
Keywords: embedded systems; guidance; path planning; trajectory tracking; marine robotics.
International Journal of Embedded Systems, 2021 Vol.14 No.6, pp.553 - 562
Received: 06 Oct 2020
Accepted: 01 Apr 2021
Published online: 24 Feb 2022 *