Title: Running frequently with an app to be fantastic! Determinants of Runtastic usage continuation intention among German users

Authors: Ardion D. Beldad; Sabrina M. Hegner

Addresses: Department of Communication Science, University College Twente, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands ' Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Hochschule Bremen City University of Applied Sciences, Bremen, Germany

Abstract: Fitness apps have become increasingly popular tools that aid health-conscious individuals to reach their fitness goals. In Germany, one of the most widely used fitness app is Runtastic, with 41,000 active users as of August 2019 (Statista, 2019). Globally, Runtastic has more than 147 million users. Studies have shown that users tend to be loyal to an app that they are currently using, and loyalty, in this case, is viewed in terms of users' willingness to continue using a specific app. In this study, the factors influencing German Runtastic users' intention to continue using the app were identified using data from 193 app users. Structural equation modelling reveals that the perceived usefulness and ease of using the app, as well as trust, influence usage continuation intention. Trust and privacy risk perceptions have no significant effects on usage continuation intention. Results of the study have relevant design-related implications.

Keywords: fitness app; Runtastic; technology acceptance model; TAM; trust; privacy risk perception.

DOI: 10.1504/IJMC.2022.121436

International Journal of Mobile Communications, 2022 Vol.20 No.2, pp.174 - 195

Received: 04 Apr 2019
Accepted: 27 Jun 2020

Published online: 14 Mar 2022 *

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