Title: Determinants behaviour analysis of demand for passengers to the Portuguese air travel leisure market: application with partial least squares regression
Authors: José Manuel Vicente; Andreia Dionísio; Felipa Lopes Dos Reis
Addresses: Escola de Ciências Económicas e das Organizações, Lusófona University, Campo Grande 376, 1749-024 Lisboa, Portugal ' Escola de Ciências Sociais, Évora University, Largo dos Colegiais, 2, 7004-516 Évora, Portugal ' Escola de Ciências Económicas e das Organizações, Lusófona University, Campo Grande 376, 1749-024 Lisboa, Portugal
Abstract: This paper aims to determine and analyse the behaviour of the demand for passengers' leisure air travel in the Portuguese market (between Lisbon and Oporto and the Azores and Madeira), between 2010 and 2014, using an application of partial least squares regression (PLSR). The PLS regression analysis used in the essay was developed by Wold (1985) and in accordance with Tenenhaus et al.'s (2005) study. In the first section we present a contextualisation of the PLSR. In a second section we present the data and the model. In a third section we present the discussion of results. Finally, we present the final considerations. The results of our empirical analysis suggest that the demand for air transport of passengers between Portugal and the Azores and Madeira is more affected by the destination attraction factors than by aviation industry factors. The results were promising and provide important information to improve business decision making.
Keywords: partial least squares regression; PLSR; data panel; modelling; air transport; Portugal.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2022.121584
International Journal of Business Excellence, 2022 Vol.26 No.2, pp.161 - 178
Received: 20 May 2019
Accepted: 02 Nov 2019
Published online: 21 Mar 2022 *