Title: Modelling the number of client firms needed to support a new Science Park and the spacing between new parks and existing parks with similar themes
Authors: Charles Mondal; Adilkhan Kussainov; Robert B. Mellor
Addresses: Computing & Maths, Kingston University, KT1 2EE, London ' Computing & Maths, Kingston University, KT1 2EE, London ' Computing & Maths, Kingston University, KT1 2EE, London
Abstract: UK Science & Technology Parks (STPs) specialised in pharmaceutical are as were compared with universities scoring highly in pharmaceutical research and with firms returning the corresponding Standard Industry Classification (SIC) codes at Companies House. There was no correlation between the average distance between STPs and highly scoring universities and no evidence that high-ranking universities can attract specialised firms. The ability of STPs to attract specialised firms was investigated and on-campus STPs (within 2 km of the university) were not significantly more successful or less successful than other STPs. To support a specialised STP, an average of 19.15 firms with a similar speciality was found within a 7.89 km radius. In the UK, STPs that are members of the Science Park Association (UKSPA) exist on average 12 km apart but STPs specialised in pharmaceuticals were much further apart, average 32.65 km and this difference is highly significant.
Keywords: STPs; science and technology parks; regional development; knowledge spillovers; university enterprise.
DOI: 10.1504/IJKBD.2021.121716
International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 2021 Vol.12 No.2, pp.141 - 155
Received: 06 Jul 2021
Accepted: 09 Nov 2021
Published online: 24 Mar 2022 *