Title: Design of bridge health monitoring system based on B/S mode and SOA architecture
Authors: Xiaoyan Jin
Addresses: Shandong Polytechnic, Railway Institute, Jinan 250104, Shandong Province, China
Abstract: In order to improve the integration of bridge health monitoring data management and information planning, this paper presents the overall framework design method of the bridge health monitoring system. The system mainly includes information collection modules, network modules, and information adaptive processing modules. The interface scheduling of bridge health monitoring is the bus transmission control of the bridge health monitoring system in B/S mode, and the LCD controller is used to perform bridge health monitoring information analysis. The software development of the bridge health monitoring system is realised under the SOA architecture, and the software is optimised and managed using big data. The system test shows that the system can accurately monitor the health of the bridge, can comprehensively process the bridge working condition data, and effectively improve the reliability of the system.
Keywords: B/S model; SOA architecture; monitoring system ARM; health monitoring.
International Journal of Biometrics, 2022 Vol.14 No.2, pp.199 - 207
Received: 01 Sep 2020
Accepted: 03 Dec 2020
Published online: 07 Apr 2022 *