Title: Direct democracy and its role in revision of constitution - comparative cases of Belgium, Switzerland and Germany - how history defines the declaration of the will of the people through direct democracy
Authors: Etleva Paplekaj
Addresses: Department of Constitutional Administrative Law, Faculty of Law, University of Prishtina 'Hasan Prishtina', Prishtina, Kosovo
Abstract: Democracy is a relationship between rulers and the governed ones, the process of constitutional change itself is a relationship between rulers and the governed ones. Constitutional changes are or should be in the service of the constitutional order, in the service of democracy, in the service of the rule of law, in the service of the people. Under the word democracy, under the slogan for the people/with the people have been made constitutional changes that do not represent the people, that do not represent the values that a nation holds/grips, changes that are not legitimate, that represented hidden political interests.
Keywords: Democracy; direct democracy; revision of constitution; referendum; constitutional referendum.
DOI: 10.1504/IJHRCS.2022.121902
International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies, 2022 Vol.9 No.2, pp.157 - 171
Received: 31 May 2021
Accepted: 15 Jun 2021
Published online: 07 Apr 2022 *