Title: The use and effectiveness of social media marketing on firm's performance and value creation on stakeholders: evidence from Greek B2B exporting firms

Authors: Eleni Kilipiri; Dimitrios Markomichelakis; Eugenia Papaioannou

Addresses: International Hellenic University, P.O. Box 141, 57400, Sindos, Thessaloniki, Greece ' International Hellenic University, P.O. Box 141, 57400, Sindos, Thessaloniki, Greece ' International Hellenic University, P.O. Box 141, 57400, Sindos, Thessaloniki, Greece

Abstract: Social media is often used as strategic business tool by firms to reach out global markets. Recent studies present different frameworks for a successful social media marketing on contemporary companies. Unfortunately, most of them are focused on the B2C context. This paper aims to offer a comprehensive analysis of the role of social media used by B2B exporting firms, while it attempts to investigate social media marketing effectiveness on firm's performance and stakeholder's value. The study uses the already established strategic social media marketing framework. Furthermore, the research is implemented by a quantitative approach, adopting a survey strategy using data collection based on a sample of 50 B2B exporting firms. Findings present that the B2B exporters take advantage of social media capabilities. Finally, this study provides managerial implications for B2B firms that may benefit through the use of the social media in their efforts to export.

Keywords: social media marketing; business-to-business; B2B; exporting firms; value creation; performance.

DOI: 10.1504/IJTMKT.2022.122455

International Journal of Technology Marketing, 2022 Vol.16 No.1/2, pp.111 - 130

Received: 03 Apr 2021
Accepted: 30 Aug 2021

Published online: 25 Apr 2022 *

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