Title: Using semantic web technologies to describe automation objects
Authors: Omar J. Lopez Orozco, Jose L. Martinez Lastra
Addresses: Institute of Production Engineering, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland. ' Institute of Production Engineering, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland
Abstract: Continuous changes in markets have made manufacturing companies turn their shop floor strategies over to new manufacturing paradigms. Novel solutions are required in order to deal with rapid changeover of hardware and software components for the adjustment of production capacity and functionality. Hardware components for final solutions have achieved considerable maturity; meanwhile software components for control recently have been getting more attention. Function blocks from the standard IEC 61499 could offer a viable solution for algorithm encapsulation and distribution. The standard promotes encapsulation, therefore reusability by using open standards. Nevertheless, it is necessary that software applications are able to search on descriptions of software modules to automate the process of software reutilisation. Therefore, that could be possible if such modules are semantically described. This work enhanced the IEC 61499 reference model, and the Automation Objects reference model with semantics. An ontology of mechatronic devices has been developed, which classifies the most relevant features of hardware and software to utilise formal vocabulary. In addition, it is explained how a software agent can query information to a Reasoner engine over Automation Objects.
Keywords: automation objects; manufacturing automation software; mechatronic modules; Web ontology language; semantic web; IEC 61499; semantics; software agents.
International Journal of Manufacturing Research, 2006 Vol.1 No.4, pp.482 - 503
Published online: 31 Jan 2007 *
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