Title: Context-aware and social integrative-related factors as the precursors of efficient context aware advertising via mobile applications
Authors: Xuan Cu Le; Hu Wang
Addresses: Department of Economic Information System and E-Commerce, Thuongmai University, Hanoi, 100000, Vietnam ' School of Management, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, 430000, China
Abstract: In the new setting of context aware advertising (CAA), it is crucial to elucidate factors influencing consumers' interaction with advertisements and patronage inclination. This work scrutinises an overarching mechanism of formulating Vietnamese natives' attitude and patronage intention toward mobile app CAA based on the theoretic underpinning of the uses and gratifications (U&G) paradigm. A research framework and hypotheses are tested with a representative sample of 327 mobile users and analysed quantitatively. The findings unveil that factors of context-awareness, perceived benefit, and societal integration are the determinative motivations underlying positive attitude, in turn, have significant impacts on tendencies to patronise vendors, whilst perceived intrusiveness negatively affects. The results are insightful for innovative marketers to ameliorate advertising tactics and lure more potential customers. Ultimately, managerial and academia hints and promising research paths are discussed.
Keywords: attitude; context aware advertising; patronage intention; perceived benefit; social value; Vietnam.
International Journal of Mobile Communications, 2022 Vol.20 No.3, pp.332 - 348
Accepted: 19 Sep 2020
Published online: 04 May 2022 *