Title: An intelligent stage light-based actor identification and positioning system
Authors: Jianqing Gao; Haiyang Zou; Fuquan Zhang; Tsu-Yang Wu
Addresses: Smart Home Information Collection and Processing on Internet of Things Laboratory of Digital Fujian, Fujian Jiangxia University, Fuzhou, China; School of Electronic Information Science, Fujian Jiangxia University, Fuzhou, China ' School of Computer, China West Normal University, Nanchong, China ' Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Information Processing and Intelligent Control, Minjiang University, Fuzhou, China; School of Computer Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China ' College of Computer Science and Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, China
Abstract: At this stage, the lighting control method of the stage actor is still in the stage of manual adjustment, so that the follow-up light cannot accurately and timely track the actors. In order to solve the above problems, an intelligent stage light-based actor identification and positioning system using tracking algorithm based on deep convolutional neural network is proposed, which can control the lighting system to automatically track actors. Firstly, the framework of the intelligent stage light-based actor identification and positioning system was analysed, and the process of actor identification and positioning function was designed. The particle filter is then used to generate the candidate target image and input as a rectangle. Finally, the deep neural network structure is constructed by combining the feature pre-training process and the convolutional neural network, and the real-time target tracking is completed. Performance verification was performed with multiple video test sets. The test results show that compared with other algorithms, this tracking algorithm can complete rectangular target tracking with strong real-time performance and exhibits high accuracy and robustness.
Keywords: identification; tracking; deep neural network; stage actor; stage light.
DOI: 10.1504/IJICS.2022.122920
International Journal of Information and Computer Security, 2022 Vol.18 No.1/2, pp.204 - 218
Received: 16 Jul 2019
Accepted: 14 Nov 2019
Published online: 17 May 2022 *