Title: Education 3.0: the impact of collaborative online teaching platforms on student academic performance and engagement

Authors: Sarah Clifft; Chamsa Fendri; Audric Mazzietti

Addresses: Institute of Sustainable Business and Organizations, Confluence Sciences and Humanities Research Center, UCLy – ESDES, 10 place des Archives, 69002, Lyon, France ' Institute of Sustainable Business and Organizations, Confluence Sciences and Humanities Research Center, UCLy – ESDES, 10 place des Archives, 69002, Lyon, France ' Institute of Sustainable Business and Organizations, Confluence Sciences and Humanities Research Center, UCLy – ESDES, 10 place des Archives, 69002, Lyon, France

Abstract: This study examines the impact of online teaching methods on student academic performance. Much research to date exposes the importance of integrating collaborative online tools into academic learning paths in order to enhance learning. However, the effectiveness of these tools on student academic performance is questioned. Our study presents findings from a qualitative analysis of student satisfaction from their online learning experience. Secondly, a quantitative analysis, using a two-sample t-test compares the academic results of the same students following the same course, who were split into two groups, one online and one in class. The originality of this research stems from its quantitative approach to measuring academic performance in an online format vs. in class context. Despite a positive appreciation from students of their online learning experience, online collaborative learning does not appear to improve the overall performance of the students, compared to instructor-led students in a classroom.

Keywords: millennials; collective intelligence; blended learning; social learning; e-learning.

DOI: 10.1504/IJTCS.2022.122954

International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies, 2022 Vol.13 No.1, pp.70 - 86

Received: 14 Jan 2022
Accepted: 23 Jan 2022

Published online: 18 May 2022 *

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