Title: Performance of conventional banks vs. Islamic banks: evidence from Indonesia
Authors: Nevi Danila; Yousef Shahwan; Adeastri Aulia
Addresses: Prince Sultan University, Rafha Street, Riyadh 11586, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; STIE, Malangkucecwara Jl. Terusan Kalasan, Malang 65142, Indonesia ' Gateway Business College, Sydney, 2134, Australia ' STIE, Malangkucecwara Jl. Terusan Kalasan, Malang 65142, Indonesia
Abstract: A sound banking system is crucial for the stability of the economy. This paper investigates the determinants of bank performance from the bank-specific and macroeconomic perspective. A fixed-effects model is used to analyse panel data on conventional and Islamic banks from 2010 to 2016. The data reveals that of the top ten private and non-government owned banks, an Islamic bank ranks as the number one performing bank. Macroeconomic variables are the only variables to have an impact on bank performance for both conventional and Islamic banks. While bank-specific variables do not influence performance, operating efficiency was shown to have an impact on Islamic banks.
Keywords: Islamic banks; CAMEL; Indonesia; financial performance index; PFI.
DOI: 10.1504/AAJFA.2022.123056
Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting, 2022 Vol.12 No.2, pp.202 - 215
Received: 10 Nov 2018
Accepted: 10 Sep 2019
Published online: 26 May 2022 *