Title: Empowerment of cluster and grid load balancing algorithms to support distributed exascale computing systems with high compatibility

Authors: Faezeh Mollasalehi; Shirin Shahrabi; Elham Adibi; Ehsan Mousavi Khaneghah

Addresses: Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran ' Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran ' Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran ' Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran

Abstract: The nature of the scientific applications that need to be distributed exascale systems is in a way that both traditional and distributed exascale systems programs are required. As a result, the load balancer not only supports traditional mechanisms of the load balancer, but also these mechanisms should be empowered to support the states caused by the occurrence of events with a dynamic and interactive nature. In this paper, a mathematical model examines the traditional load balancer that is used in cluster and grid computing systems that should support which characteristics to manage the dynamic and interactive nature in processes and execution in distributed exascale computing systems. In cluster and grid systems that can support the specified characteristics in this article, in 60% of the cases, the load balancer can manage events with a dynamic and interactive nature and use the mathematical model as the load balancing mechanism.

Keywords: distributed exascale computing; load balancing; events with the dynamic and interactive nature; D&I; load balancing algorithms; cluster computing; grid computing.

DOI: 10.1504/IJCSE.2022.123110

International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, 2022 Vol.25 No.3, pp.235 - 252

Received: 29 Oct 2020
Accepted: 05 May 2021

Published online: 30 May 2022 *

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