Title: Advanced digital skills towards interoperable e-government services: European and Greek case studies

Authors: Antonios Stasis; Anastasia Papastylianou

Addresses: Ministry of Digital Governance/General Secretariat of Information Systems for Public Administration, Chandri Street 1 & Thessalonikis Street, 18346, Moschato, Athens, Greece ' National Centre of Public Administration and Local Government/National School of Public Administration and Local Government Piraeus Avenue 211, 177 78 – Tavros, Athens, Greece

Abstract: The recent Covid-19 social distance measures highlighted the need for efficient and effective interoperable electronic services. Public Administrations invest a lot in offering such services and implement actions to close the advance digital skill gap of the Public Administration officials. This paper presents the digital skills policy, frameworks for citizens and professionals, the respective profiles and roles that were developed during the last decade in Europe, focusing on Interoperability. Important case studies such as the National Digital Academy for Citizen in Greece, the ISA Interoperability Academy are being analysed against the above-mentioned frameworks. Finally, the practices of the Greek National Centre of Public Administration and Local Government are being presented, including Open Collaborative Courseware initiatives and a significant reorganisation of the face-to-face courses in online courses. The results from 147 real cases show that process-based learning can improve service interoperability prospects and enhance interoperability capabilities and competencies in public administration.

Keywords: blended learning; OCWs; Open CourseWares; IMAPS; Slidewiki Interoperability Maturity Assessment model; public services; e-Learning; PBL; project based learning; moodle; e-Government; digital skills; Webex.

DOI: 10.1504/IJEG.2022.123249

International Journal of Electronic Governance, 2022 Vol.14 No.1/2, pp.145 - 171

Received: 12 Oct 2020
Accepted: 01 Feb 2021

Published online: 06 Jun 2022 *

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