Title: Experimental analysis on crack resistance of plant nanofiber concrete under dry and cold environment with large temperature difference
Authors: Lijun Yin
Addresses: Department of Architectural Engineering, Xinxiang Vocational and Technical College, Henan, 453000, China
Abstract: In order to analyse the crack resistance of plant nanofiber concrete in the environment of large temperature difference between dry and cold, plant nanofiber concrete is prepared through experiments, and the compressive strength is analysed as the test index. Prepare straw based nanofibers, analyse their structural properties and internal structure, analyse the change of pore negative pressure value of plant nanofiber concrete, obtain the water evaporation in the pores of materials under dry and cold conditions, and determine the factors affecting the crack resistance of plant nanofiber concrete. Calculate the compressive strength and flexural strength of plant nanofiber concrete, and complete the crack resistance analysis of plant nanofiber concrete. The experimental results show that the compressive strength of concrete increases with the increase of the nano content of plant cellulose in the range of 0 ~ 1.5% of the mass fraction of concrete.
Keywords: dry and cold environment with large temperature difference; plant nanofibers; crack resistance; pore negative pressure value; compressive strength.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMMP.2022.123327
International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties, 2022 Vol.16 No.1, pp.38 - 50
Received: 24 Nov 2021
Accepted: 11 Apr 2022
Published online: 09 Jun 2022 *