Title: The profitability of Italian jewellery between the two international economic crises

Authors: Guido Migliaccio; Chiara Colantuoni D'Alelio

Addresses: Department of Law, Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods (DEMM), University of Sannio, Via delle Puglie, 82, (82.100) Benevento (Bn), Italy ' Department of Law, Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods (DEMM), University of Sannio, Via delle Puglie, 82, (82.100) Benevento (Bn), Italy

Abstract: The current article analyses the profitability of the small Italian jewellery industry in the period between the two international crises of 2008 and 2019. Using balance sheet data from the AIDA database, the trends of the three profitability indices (ROE, ROI and ROS), for the entire nation and its three macro-regions. The results were processed with various statistical methodologies, including ANOVA and Tukey-Kramer tests. Economic performance has always been positive, even if the fluctuations reflect economic situations. The industries are mainly located in the areas of Northern and Central Italy; the location influences profitability, which is higher in the Centre and North than in the South.

Keywords: crisis; economic performance; ratio.

DOI: 10.1504/IJGSB.2022.123351

International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, 2022 Vol.13 No.1, pp.79 - 107

Received: 28 Jan 2022
Accepted: 25 Feb 2022

Published online: 10 Jun 2022 *

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