Title: The use of healthcare information systems: a research study about health professionals' needs
Authors: Konstantinos Milioris; Charalampos Konstantopoulos; Konstantinos Papageorgiou; Michalis Skordoulis
Addresses: Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus, Pireas, 18534, Greece ' Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus, Pireas, 18534, Greece ' Department of Business Administration, University of West Attica, Egaleo, 12243, Greece ' Department of Forestry and Management of the Environment and Natural Resources, Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi, 67100, Greece
Abstract: Background: The main purpose of information systems is to provide users with valuable information. Same applies for Health Information Systems, which provide crucial information concerning healthcare and electronic medical records. For these systems to optimally operate, data records are necessary to be in a unified form accessible across medical professionals. This paper aims to investigate the needs and access rate of health professionals in healthcare information systems. Methods/Approach: The research was conducted using an electronic questionnaire. In total, over 1000 health professionals responded, working for the Greek National Health System. Results: According to results the most in-demand information concerns the insurance provider of the patients. On the other hand, the information with the smallest demand concerns diagnosis related groups (DRG). Additionally, the most important healthcare data for health professionals is the medical history records of patients. Lastly, healthcare professionals are in favour for patients to have access to their medical records.
Keywords: information technologies; healthcare; healthcare information systems; medical informatics; healthcare integrated information systems; healthcare information exchange.
DOI: 10.1504/IJHTM.2022.123580
International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, 2022 Vol.19 No.1, pp.77 - 89
Received: 31 Mar 2021
Accepted: 12 Oct 2021
Published online: 28 Jun 2022 *