Title: The moderating role of internal control system on the impact of tax revenue on economic growth in Nigeria
Authors: Mansur Lubabah Kwanbo; Augustine Ayuba; Muhammad Tanko
Addresses: Department of Accounting, Kaduna State University, Nigeria ' Department of Accounting, Kaduna State University, Nigeria ' Department of Accounting, Kaduna State University, Nigeria
Abstract: This study examines the moderating role of internal control system on the impact of tax revenue (oil tax and non-oil tax) on economic growth (gross domestic product) of Nigerian, for the period 1994-2016. The study's approach is exploratory post positivism within a design that is ex-post facto in nature. Regression was employed as a technique to analyse data extracted for the study. Findings revealed that internal control system (ICS) mechanism (control environment - CE and monitoring - MO) moderates tax revenue for better economic growth. This implies tax revenue's positive impact on economic growth. However, the effect of ICS on such impact is subject to prompt responses in the grey areas of tax revenue management which can be addressed by prompt submission of financial statements by the accountant general to the auditor general for audit.
Keywords: tax revenue; economic growth; internal control system; ICS; Nigeria.
International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2022 Vol.30 No.3/4, pp.429 - 443
Received: 25 May 2019
Accepted: 14 Jan 2020
Published online: 30 Jun 2022 *