Title: The impact of talent management practices on employees' job satisfaction
Authors: Laith M. Almomani; Rateb Sweis; Bader Yousef Obeidat
Addresses: Department of Business Management, The University of Jordan Amman, 11942, Jordan ' Department of Business Management, The University of Jordan Amman, 11942, Jordan ' Department of Business Management, The University of Jordan Amman, 11942, Jordan
Abstract: The present study investigates the impact of talent management (TM) practices, namely talent attraction, talent development, and talent retention, on employee job satisfaction in the majority of Jordanian commercial banks. Data have been collected from 256 employees using a self-administrated survey questionnaire. The convenience sampling technique is used. Validity and reliability tests were performed. Study hypotheses have been tested using multiple regression analysis. The most prominent result is a positive and significant effect of TM practices on employee job satisfaction. Opposite to previous studies, the study concludes that attracting talent does not have a significant impact on employee job satisfaction. In addition, the results reveal a significant statistical impact of talent development and retention on employee job satisfaction. In terms of contribution, this first study investigates the impact of TM practices on employee job satisfaction in Jordan. The study guides managers in the banking sector due to the provided suggestions on how managers can facilitate employee job satisfaction by implementing key TM practices.
Keywords: talent management practices; talent attraction; talent developing; talent retention; employees' job satisfaction; Jordanian commercial banks.
International Journal of Business Environment, 2022 Vol.13 No.3, pp.259 - 281
Received: 20 Apr 2021
Accepted: 29 Oct 2021
Published online: 30 Jun 2022 *