Title: Developing a model of online shopping experience in mobile retailers: an empirical investigation
Authors: Mona Jami Pour; Mahsa Hajibabae; Fatemeh Abbasi
Addresses: Department of Business, Hazrat-e Masoumeh University (HMU), In front of Yadgar Imam Stadium, Al-Ghadir Blvd., Qom, Iran ' Department of Business, Hazrat-e Masoumeh University (HMU), In front of Yadgar Imam Stadium, Al-Ghadir Blvd., Qom, Iran ' Department of Information Technology, Institute of Higher Education Mehralborz, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, consumers are increasingly spending more time on smartphones than any other device. Due to the widespread emergence of mobile retailers, the customer's online shopping experience has become crucial. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of customer personality and mobile skills on the online shopping experience in mobile retailers with a mediating role of perceived usefulness and enjoyment. The study was applied in terms of purpose and had a quantitative approach. It was also descriptive-analytical and correlational. According to the research results, mobile skills, perceived usefulness, and enjoyment, positively and significantly affect the online shopping experience. The study's main contribution is to examine the role of customer personality traits and mobile skills on customer experience through the mediating role of perceived usefulness and enjoyment in the mobile retailing context. It provides new insight into determinants of customer experience in mobile retailers.
Keywords: online shopping experience; mobile retailer; personality traits; mobile skills; perceived usefulness; perceived enjoyment.
International Journal of Business Environment, 2022 Vol.13 No.3, pp.282 - 307
Published online: 30 Jun 2022 *
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