Title: Merit bureaucrats, good governance and innovation
Authors: Danjuma Abdullahi; Yahaya T. Baba; Muhammad Z. Umar; Ibrahim L. Maishanu
Addresses: Department of Local Government and Development Studies, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria ' Department of Political Science, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria ' Department of Political Science, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria ' Zamfara State University, Talata Mafara, Zamfara State, Nigeria
Abstract: This paper analysed the roles of professional bureaucrats within the context of good governance. The relevance of bureaucrats in improving governance is considerably desired by government institutions with the aim of increasing the level of socio-economic and political development in the society. Theoretically, new institutionalism is employed within which the relevance of professional bureaucrats in accelerating the overall governance is analysed. Methodologically, qualitative approach is adopted for the study. In-depth interviews and documentary sources were used as the major instruments of data collection. The data was also qualitatively analysed using Nvivo. Fifteen informants were interviewed ranging from top government functionaries, legislators as well as stakeholders. The findings of the paper revealed the major issues in the bureaucratic institution which include among others: corruption, lack of merit system, poor training, and favouritism that undermine good governance and innovation in Nigeria. The paper recommends bureaucrats as catalyst of development be more professional and put the national interest above personal and vested interests for the realisation of good governance.
Keywords: bureaucracy; good governance; institution and professionalism and innovation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2022.124119
International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management, 2022 Vol.10 No.1, pp.103 - 119
Accepted: 29 Sep 2019
Published online: 14 Jul 2022 *