Title: Determinants of adoption of digital payment services among small fixed retail stores in Bangalore, India
Authors: T. Ravikumar; N. Prakash
Addresses: School of Business and Management, Christ University, Bangalore – 560029, Karnataka, India ' School of Business and Management, Christ University, Bangalore – 560029, Karnataka, India
Abstract: India is well on its way to becoming a trillion-dollar digital economy and the government is actively working towards it. Digital payment is taking up and gaining momentum in India. Digital payments have penetrated in all parts of life in India. But it is reported that digital payments are less penetrated among small vendors across the country. This study intends to identify and analyse the factors that determine the adoption of digital payment technologies among small fixed retail stores in tier 1 cities such as Bangalore. The study is based on primary data which is collected through well-structured questionnaires from small fixed retail merchants. The collected data are analysed to determine the factors affecting the adoption of digital payment services among small fixed retail merchants using appropriate statistical tools. The study has found that habit, pervasiveness, and operating costs are the factors that significantly affect the adoption of digital payment services among small fixed retail merchants.
Keywords: digital payments; payment technologies; fixed retail stores; India; Bangalore.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.124123
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 2022 Vol.28 No.3, pp.319 - 346
Received: 23 Mar 2020
Accepted: 09 Jul 2020
Published online: 14 Jul 2022 *