Title: Energy and environment nexus: environmental impact mitigation strategies
Authors: Mehmet Tontu; Ahsen Sultan Tontu
Addresses: Operation Department, Iskenderun Energy Production and Trade Company, 01680, Adana, Turkey ' Waste Management Department, Adana Metropolitan Municipality, 01360, Adana, Turkey
Abstract: Energy and the environment have always been and will continue to be intimately connected. All types of energy negatively impact the environment somehow. Once used, it is eventually released to the ecosystem as a useful byproduct or, more often than not, as harmful pollutants or waste. As energy consumption has expanded around the world, its impact on the environment is continuing to increase. Greenhouse gas pollutants are mainly generated by the combustion of fossil fuels. Therefore, energy consumption is considered the main cause that impacts the environment. In this study, the main environmental issues due to energy production have been explained. Also, environmental impact mitigation methodologies related to energy systems have been deeply investigated in different methods for obtaining a cleaner ecosystem and sustainable use. Potential mitigation solutions have been identified via real case examples. Lastly, the interaction of energy, environment and sustainable development has been outlined.
Keywords: environmental problems; environmental impact mitigation solutions; alternative energy technologies; sustainable development; cleaner production; green energy.
International Journal of Global Warming, 2022 Vol.27 No.3, pp.213 - 236
Received: 14 Jun 2021
Accepted: 21 Nov 2021
Published online: 18 Jul 2022 *