Title: Business leaders' credibility from the employees' perspective: evidence from the banking industry in Morocco

Authors: Salma Benbouia

Addresses: Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, P.O. Box 104, Hassan II Avenue, 53000 Ifrane, Morocco

Abstract: The present study intends to identify the factors or determinants of Moroccan business leaders' credibility in the banking sector. Due to the lack of data on the subject, an exploratory study using the grounded theory approach were conducted to carry out this research; in total, 22 interviews were held with employees from different Moroccan bank branches. This research identifies five different factors pertinent to the Moroccan business leaders' credibility in the banking industry, namely honouring commitment, confidence and trust, ethics, perceived competence, and effective communication. The findings will enrich the literature and deepen the insights related to credibility in management in general and in the context of Moroccan corporations in particular. From a practical perspective, it would be important to identify the determinants of credibility for the recruitment and evaluation process of business leaders who will be responsible for leading banks as a whole. This study aims to bring valuable insights as it is the first of its kind to explore business leaders' credibility in the Moroccan banking sector.

Keywords: business leaders' credibility; banks; Morocco.

DOI: 10.1504/MJCCM.2022.124379

MENA Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, 2022 Vol.1 No.2, pp.199 - 218

Received: 02 Jun 2016
Accepted: 05 Feb 2017

Published online: 26 Jul 2022 *

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