Title: Technology transfer performance: a comparative analysis of two universities in Japan

Authors: Takayuki Sakai; Kensuke Inai; Kenji Kutsuna; Bishnu Kumar Adhikary; Norbert Buzás

Addresses: Value School, Kobe University, Rokkodai 1-1, Nada, Kobe, 657-8501, Japan ' Center for Research Administration & Collaboration, Tokushima University, Minamijosanjima 2-1, Tokushima, 770-8506, Japan ' Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe University, Rokkodai 2-1, Nada, Kobe, 657-8501, Japan ' Graduate School of Business, Doshisha University, Karasuma-Imadegawa, Kamigyo, Kyoto, 602-8580, Japan ' Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Medical School, University of Szeged, H-6725 Szeged, Tisza Lajos Krt. 109, Hungary

Abstract: An important form of technology transfer is the commercialisation of university research, which is indispensable for industrial competitiveness and innovation. However, the technology transfer performance of universities varies widely. This paper compares the technology transfer performance of two Japanese universities: Kobe University, a large urban university, and Tokushima University, a small-scale university situated in a regional city. University attributes, researcher attributes, and the role played by the universities' technology transfer organisations (TTOs) were examined, with the aim of understanding how these affect the commercialisation of university research. Despite having characteristics that previous research suggests are associated with superior technology transfer performance, including large size, nearness to industrial clusters, and strong research capacity, Kobe University's licensing revenues are found to be far smaller than those of Tokushima University. Results from a questionnaire survey of researchers highlight differences between the universities' TTOs that have played a critical role in producing this outcome.

Keywords: academic entrepreneur; commercialisation; industry-university cooperation; industry-government-academia collaboration; Japan; researchers' awareness; researchers' ability; attributes of universities; technology transfer; technology transfer office; technology transfer performance.

DOI: 10.1504/IJTM.2022.124613

International Journal of Technology Management, 2022 Vol.90 No.1/2, pp.78 - 101

Received: 04 Jul 2020
Accepted: 08 Nov 2021

Published online: 29 Jul 2022 *

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