Title: Land use management in the use of Kokzhon wastelands based on IoT application
Authors: M. Тоktar; B.M. Koshen; D.M. Teberdiev; B.M. Kushenov; N.Zh. Sariev; A.A. Imanbayeva
Addresses: M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan State University, Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan ' M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan State University, Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan ' All-Russian Williams Fodder Research Institute, Lobnya, Moscow Region, Russia ' Republican State Institution 'Republican Scientific and Methodological Center of Agricultural Service' of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Shortandy, Akmola Region, Kazakhstan ' Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University, Uralsk, Kazakhstan ' Department of Engineering, Royal Tech University, UK
Abstract: The primary objective of land use management for agricultural application is to improve environmental concerns. In recent years urban and peri-urban agriculture have been considered worldwide for security of the food and market. So, in the current study, GIS system was used to analyse the technical and biological reclamation activities, on the technological waste sites formed as a result of the dumping of rock waste and tailings into the environment from phosphate rock. It was obtained by open source development in the Kokzhon phosphorite deposits located in the desert and semi-desert zones. Real-time monitoring of the land quality and status process is done using internet of things (IoT) application. The total studied area of disturbed lands is more than 1,000 hectares, including on the field 'Kokzhon', which is 278 hectares. The results of the dump surveys conducted from 2012 to 2020 have shown that biocar has a positive effect on increasing soil humus, and it also demonstrated the role of phytomeliorants as indicators in the restoration of agroecology and resistant types to adverse environmental factors.
Keywords: land use management; reclamation; soil; technogenic disturbed lands; GIS; environment; internet of things; IoT.
DOI: 10.1504/IJARGE.2022.124649
International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, 2022 Vol.18 No.3, pp.277 - 286
Published online: 31 Jul 2022 *
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