Title: Computer embedded automatic test system based on VxWorks
Authors: Runyue Li
Addresses: College of Electronic and Information Engineering, Henan Polytechnic Institute, Nanyang 473000, Henan, China
Abstract: With the development of computer science and technology, embedded systems have many advantages in terms of function, reliability, cost, size, and power consumption. This research mainly discusses the design and implementation of a computer embedded automatic test system based on VxWorks. During the test, the measurement functions timex and timexn of the VxWorks system have a system error of about 1%, and access control has an impact of about 2% on system performance. The operating system designed in this research not only requires hard real-time, determinism and low latency, but also has the scalability and security required by the industry, and can well meet the development needs of this system.
Keywords: VxWorks system; embedded system; automatic test; assembly language; global function.
International Journal of Embedded Systems, 2022 Vol.15 No.3, pp.183 - 192
Received: 30 Jan 2021
Accepted: 01 Apr 2021
Published online: 11 Aug 2022 *