Title: Understanding the water-related risks under climate conditions in Vietnam using CMIP6 models
Authors: Nguyen Tien Thanh
Addresses: Thuyloi University, 175 Tay Son, Dong Da, Hanoi, Vietnam
Abstract: Completely located in the tropics, water resources availability in Vietnam is plenty but not limitless, especially in associated with unexpected climate conditions. So, the study attempts to provide fully insight into water-related risks in present and near-future using an ensemble of CMIP6 models in combination with the methods of risk and GIS-based analysis on a provincial scale of Vietnam. The results show a dominant of floods and cyclone hazards, followed by droughts, landslides and seawater intrusion observed in present. Meanwhile, under climate change scenario of SSP3-7.0 in near-future (2021-2040), an expected decreasing in precipitation by -13.6% for provinces in the north of Vietnam is illustrated. Most importantly, in spring and summer, maximum temperature can increase faster than those in autumn, winter and annual. Dealing with water-related risks, it is expected that there are 6 out of 63 provinces at very high risk level.
Keywords: CMIP6; water; risk; Vietnam; climate change.
International Journal of Global Warming, 2022 Vol.28 No.1, pp.96 - 112
Received: 12 Nov 2021
Accepted: 27 Feb 2022
Published online: 25 Aug 2022 *