Title: User experience evaluation of intelligent sports bracelet based on multi-factor fusion
Authors: Wei Liu; Zhen Liu
Addresses: School of Physical Education, Jianghan University, Wuhan 430056, China ' School of Physical Education, Wuhan University of Arts and Sciences, Wuhan 430000, China
Abstract: In order to overcome the problems of the traditional methods, such as the low accuracy of calculating the weight of evaluation factors, the high error rate of evaluation and the long output time of evaluation results, a user experience evaluation method based on multi-factor fusion was proposed. Building intelligent motion bracelet user experience evaluation system, determine various evaluation factors relative to the membership degree of evaluation factor set, to construct judgment matrix, get the weights of preliminary results, the weighting results are consistency check, get the final weight calculation results, and the multi-factor fusion method was used to construct intelligent motion bracelet user experience evaluation model, get the final user experience evaluation result. Experimental results show that the calculation accuracy of the weight of evaluation factors is more than 94%, the error rate of evaluation varies from 0 to 2%, and the average output time of evaluation results is 0.62 s.
Keywords: multi-factor fusion; intelligent sports bracelet; user experience evaluation; evaluation factor set; weighting.
International Journal of Product Development, 2022 Vol.26 No.1/2/3/4, pp.102 - 116
Received: 02 Apr 2021
Accepted: 27 Sep 2021
Published online: 07 Sep 2022 *