Title: Study on personalised web design for user based on visual communication
Authors: Baohong Xia
Addresses: Guangzhou Vocational and Technical University of Science and Technology, Guangzhou 510555, China
Abstract: Traditional web design has the problems of poor visual communication effect and high cost. This paper proposes a personalised web design method based on visual communication. The personalised web requirements of users are analysed, and the personalised feature data is extracted. Histogram is used to enhance the brightness of personalised webpage image, and gamma is used to correct the grey error of personalised webpage. The concept of visual communication is introduced to build a visual communication model of personalised web information. Time domain features of personalised web images are extracted. According to the similarity of webpage information, the content of visual communication webpage information design is selected to complete webpage design. The results show that the effect of this method is good, the shortest time is about 1.5 minutes, and the design cost is low.
Keywords: visual communication; user personalisation; web design; image enhancement.
DOI: 10.1504/IJWBC.2022.125500
International Journal of Web Based Communities, 2022 Vol.18 No.3/4, pp.329 - 344
Received: 21 Jun 2021
Accepted: 05 Nov 2021
Published online: 12 Sep 2022 *