Title: Design and simulation-based optimisation of a renewable energy system consisting of wind and hydrogen for the purpose of reliable electrification
Authors: Mojtaba Nedaei; Maurizio Faccio; Marco Bortolini; Mauro Gamberi
Addresses: Department of Management and Engineering, University of Padova, Stradella San Nicola 3, 36100, Vicenza, Italy ' Department of Management and Engineering, University of Padova, Stradella San Nicola 3, 36100, Vicenza, Italy ' Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Bologna, Viale del Risorgimento 2, 40136 Bologna, Italy ' Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Bologna, Viale del Risorgimento 2, 40136 Bologna, Italy
Abstract: In this study, design and simulation-based optimisation of a hybrid power system is investigated. The energy system is designed in such a way that when the electricity is produced from the wind power, it would either be transmitted into the grid for the purpose of medium or large-scale electrification or in the case of surplus electricity, it would be utilised for small-scale hydrogen production. The wind energy production transmitted to the grid is estimated with the optimum value of approximately 2,000 kWh per day. The hybrid energy system has been adjusted so that the incoming energy supplied from wind energy production powers the electrolyser thus producing hydrogen from the power plant. Through considering various ranges of design coefficients including hydrogen price, hydrogen production, electricity price and electricity transmitted to the grid by harnessing the wind power, the net monthly revenues reached a maximum level of 1,974.87 per month.
Keywords: wind energy; hydrogen production; hybrid energy system; electrical grid.
DOI: 10.1504/IJETM.2022.125531
International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management, 2022 Vol.25 No.5, pp.445 - 465
Accepted: 30 Mar 2022
Published online: 13 Sep 2022 *