Title: Engendering family planning: a study of women's perception of men's involvement in family planning
Authors: Ayobami Basirat Atijosan
Addresses: Centre for Gender and Social Policy Studies, Obafemi Awolowo University Campus, 220103, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
Abstract: Despite evidence on the importance of male participation in family planning (FP) and their low level of involvement, less is known regarding the perception of women on men's involvement in FP especially from a gender perspective. To address these gaps, this study examines gendered perception of women on men's involvement in FP in Ile-Ife, Southwest, Nigeria. A quantitative survey was conducted using purposive sampling technique. Results obtained showed that 90.4% of respondents agreed to the perception that FP involves the input of both couples. Majority of the respondents (79.6%) belief that male involvement will encourage their partners to embrace FP. Also, 55.2% of the respondents disagreed to the belief that FP is strictly a women affair. This study concludes that an all-inclusive approach embedding the perception of women on men participation in FP will be vital at improving FP outcomes and achieving set goals.
Keywords: family planning; gender; maternal death; perception; healthcare services; use of contraceptives; child spacing; reproductive health decision; patriarchal.
DOI: 10.1504/IJGSDS.2022.125688
International Journal of Gender Studies in Developing Societies, 2022 Vol.4 No.4, pp.297 - 307
Accepted: 24 Aug 2021
Published online: 26 Sep 2022 *