Title: Expectations for cooperative instruction supported by the internet+employment platform in work placement practice
Authors: Xifeng Liao
Addresses: Department of Economics and Management, Hunan College of Information, Changsha, 410200, China
Abstract: Close high-quality cooperation between a workplace employer and the college is a prerequisite for effective training of students in vocational education. Therefore, the researcher adopted the internet+employment platform as a typical case to analyse its main supportive functions for work placement instruction. Descriptive data analysis was employed to study the expectations of both vocational students and workplace supervisors for the cooperative teaching supported by the platform. The case study showed that the platform was weak in several areas such as in sharing teaching resources to facilitate employer-college cooperation. The results of the data analysis suggested that most students and workplace supervisors have a thorough understanding of the importance of closer cooperation and cooperative assessment by both the employer and the college. However, the expectations of the students and workplace supervisors were different in seven aspects. Among them, the students did not expect much cooperation that would lead to a closer monitoring of their work positions, and the willingness of the workplace supervisors to cooperate with college advisors in the use of cloud technology was quite limited. Suggestions for future development of the internet+employment platform were proposed. Combining the functions of this platform with those of other cloud platforms might support better employer-college cooperative instruction.
Keywords: student and employers' expectation; cooperative instruction; work placement; workplace supervisor; cloud platform technology.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCEELL.2022.125728
International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, 2022 Vol.32 No.5, pp.576 - 590
Received: 15 Jan 2020
Accepted: 04 Nov 2020
Published online: 27 Sep 2022 *