Title: Studying the decision-making state and impact in Iraqi construction projects
Authors: Sajjad Ali Mahmood Alkaabi; Ahmed Mohammed Raoof Mahjoob
Addresses: Department of Civil Engineering, University of Baghdad, 10071, Baghdad, Iraq ' Department of Civil Engineering, University of Baghdad, 10071, Baghdad, Iraq
Abstract: Construction projects are characterised by time and cost-intensive production processes which make them prone to risks and failure. One of the most difficult problems in construction is taking an objective decision. This study aims to identify the key decisions that affect the construction projects' success, analyse the bad decisions problem in Iraq construction projects, and propose a set of corrective actions. Brainstorming, case study, and experts' interview techniques were used to achieve the study goals. The study results identified 51 decisions that affect the success of construction projects during the life cycle, nine of these decisions have the most degree of effect. Also, this study identified 19 key causative factors to bad decisions in construction projects. Then, this study proposed seven criteria to select the qualified decision-makers, in addition to nine actions to enhance the process of decision making in Iraq construction projects.
Keywords: decision making; bad decisions; construction; decision-makers; impact.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMED.2022.125782
International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, 2022 Vol.21 No.3, pp.279 - 298
Received: 20 Aug 2021
Accepted: 19 Feb 2022
Published online: 28 Sep 2022 *