Title: Green production-distribution planning under competition in a brand-differentiated supply chain
Authors: Mahsa Zokaee; Mahdi Mokhtarzadeh; Masoud Rabbani
Addresses: School of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran ' School of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran ' School of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: This research proposes the development of a green IPD planning under 'non-competitive' and 'competitive' market conditions, aiming at minimising costs, maximising service level, and minimising carbon emissions. For the 'competitive market' model, a green competition and a Stackelberg competition between brand-differentiated manufacturers are considered. A real case study is investigated to evaluate the application of these models. The numerical results express that competition enhances both financial and environmental performance of supply chains and ameliorates supply of products to retailers. Moreover, this study supports informed decision-making by supply chain authorities to improve inventory control and replenishment to address customer demand sensitivity.
Keywords: supply chain; green supply chain management; integrated production-distribution planning; competition; brand-differentiated competition.
DOI: 10.1504/IJVCM.2022.125860
International Journal of Value Chain Management, 2022 Vol.13 No.3, pp.319 - 342
Received: 26 Oct 2020
Accepted: 19 Sep 2021
Published online: 30 Sep 2022 *