Title: Tuberculosis disease detection using blockchain in the healthcare system
Authors: Atul Kumar Srivastava; Mitali Srivastava
Addresses: School of Computing, DIT University, Mussoorie, Diversion Road, Makka Wala, Dehradun, 248001, India ' School of Computing, DIT University, Mussoorie, Diversion Road, Makka Wala, Dehradun, 248001, India
Abstract: Blockchain technology is being employed in a variety of disciplines, including online shopping, industry, medicine, and even government departments. The automated healthcare module is composed of two modules: one that oversees all functions and another that stores data in a central location. Tuberculosis is one of the fastest growing diseases, with an ever-increasing fatality rate all over the world. This research shows how a Blockchain-based system can be used to diagnose tuberculosis disease early using a machine learning algorithm, as well as keep track of patient data for monitoring and medication administration. The system given here can be utilised in the medical community to securely store, process, and communicate patient health data. Seven performance measuring matrices are used to evaluate the model: accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision, Matthew correlation coefficient (MCC), F1-score, and ROC. Experimental results show that, for these parameters, LR and KNN provide the best results.
Keywords: HER; electronic health record; blockchain; tuberculosis disease; machine learning; healthcare system; secure system.
DOI: 10.1504/IJHTM.2022.125870
International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, 2022 Vol.19 No.2, pp.130 - 145
Received: 31 May 2021
Accepted: 04 Mar 2022
Published online: 30 Sep 2022 *