Title: Survey on current anti-drone systems: process, technologies, and algorithms
Authors: Ghazlane Yasmine; Gmira Maha; Medromi Hicham
Addresses: Euromed Research Center, School of Digital Engineering and Artificial Intelligence, Euromed University, Casablanca; 27182, Morocco ' Euromed Research Center, School of Digital Engineering and Artificial Intelligence, Euromed University, Casablanca; 20100, Morocco ' Research Foundation for Development and Innovation in Science (FRDISI), ENSEM, HASSAN II University, Casablanca, Fes 30110, Morocco
Abstract: The rapid proliferation of drones has paved the way for many intentional and unintentional incidents, affecting and threatening critical areas. Thus, there is an urgent need for anti-drone technologies to ensure and reinforce public's safety, security, and privacy. In fact, an anti-drone device is an intelligent defence system used with the aim to counteract the activity of rogue drones rapidly and properly. This paper is presenting an exhaustive and comprehensive survey on anti-drone technologies by highlighting the operating process. While existing papers on anti-drones focus on a specific task related to either detection, tracking or interception, this paper aims to extend the recent literature to define the overall anti-drone system with respect to the process, technologies and algorithms used. Furthermore, we provide insights for the needed regulations, and we illustrate the anti-drone challenges which represent interesting research avenues.
Keywords: anti-drone; artificial intelligence; airspace safety; sensing; detection; identification; neutralisation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSSE.2022.125947
International Journal of System of Systems Engineering, 2022 Vol.12 No.3, pp.235 - 270
Received: 21 Aug 2021
Accepted: 06 Dec 2021
Published online: 04 Oct 2022 *