Title: A qualitative analysis of experiences of work-life integration of dual career couples
Authors: Sakshi Vashisht; Nidhi Punj; Ravi Vashisht
Addresses: ICFAI University, Kalujhanda, Baddi, Himachal Pradesh, 174103, India ' MMIM, Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana University Road, Mullana, Ambala, Haryana 133207, India ' ICFAI University, Kalujhanda, Baddi, Himachal Pradesh, 174103, India
Abstract: The intent of the present study was to describe the work-life balance experiences of dual career couples. The study aimed to capture the dimensions of the experiences of dual career couples in managing the demands at work and home when both the partners work together at the same workplace. Respondents of the study were faculty members who were in employment and working in the same organisation. Participants were selected using snowball sampling technique. A total of 15 couples participated in the present qualitative study. The couples were interviewed together. Age of the participants ranged from 25 to 45. 40% of the respondents had dependent children, 33% had children who were adults and 27% had no children. Hours worked per week ranged from 40 to 47 hours. Data collection for the study consisted of self-reported data, which included in-depth interviews. The data was analysed using a thematic qualitative analysis technique. Reduced social integration, societal viewpoints, monotonous schedules, job insecurity, organisational support and spouse support were the major themes that emerged from the analysis of the study.
Keywords: work-life integration; dual career; work family conflict; work life balance; work life interaction.
International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2022 Vol.31 No.2, pp.216 - 228
Received: 09 Feb 2020
Accepted: 12 May 2020
Published online: 05 Oct 2022 *