Title: The impact of gender leadership styles on the individual creativity in Palestinian non-governmental organisations
Authors: Raed A.M. Iriqat; Marah K.A. Abu-Zaid
Addresses: Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences, Arab American University, P.O. Box 240, Jenin-West Bank, Palestine ' Faculty of Graduate Studies, Arab American University, Palestine
Abstract: This paper aims to examine the impact of gender leadership styles on individual creativity in the Palestinian NGOs. A sample of 94 managers and 302 employees was collected by using two separate structured questionnaires. The results illustrate that male and female transformational, and male transactional leaders have a significant positive correlation with individual creativity. In contrast, male Laissez-faire leadership, female transactional, and female Laissez-faire leadership styles do not correlate with individual creativity. This study also shows that female transformational leaders have an impact on individual creativity in the PNGOs institution. In contrast, there is no significant impact of male leadership styles on individual creativity due to PNGOs managers. As a result, the study recommends introducing PNGOs' managers and employees to different leadership styles, motivate and encourage creative employees, and improve their capabilities, as to enhance their impact on the sustainability of the PNGOs.
Keywords: leadership styles; transformational leadership styles; transactional leadership styles; Lassiez-Faire styles; individual creativity.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.126032
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 2022 Vol.29 No.2, pp.194 - 220
Received: 10 Mar 2020
Accepted: 23 Aug 2020
Published online: 10 Oct 2022 *